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Installing Erlang and Elixir on Linux/Manjaro

Published: at 10:25 AM

Right now, I’m sinking my head into learning Elixir. A wonderful dynamic and functional language running on the Erlang VM. Hopefully, this is the first of many posts on the language. This post in particular is just the steps I followed to install Erlang and Elixir on my Linux/Manjaro computer.

Whatever the operating system you are running, you can find out how by starting with reading Elixir’s installation page. I like the idea of using a version manager and went with asdf. The asdf website have a good installation guide already. With asdf installed, the next steps will install Elixir and Erlang.

Installing Erlang

Install Erlang plugin for asdf:

asdf plugin add erlang

List available versions:

asdf list-all erlang

Install desired version:

asdf install erlang x.x.x

Set default global version:

asdf global erlang x.x.x

Installing Elixir

Install Elixir plugin for asdf:

asdf plugin-add elixir

List available versions:

asdf list-all elixir

Install desired version:

asdf install elixir x.x.x

Set default global version:

asdf global elixir x.x.x

Try it out

Now you should have Elixir and Erlang installed on your machine and by entering iex the Elixir shell should start.